
Dharma Teaching schedule of the most Ven. Tulku Palme Khyentse Ph.D. at BW Palme Life Edu-Cente, Pinang, Malaysia
28-11-2014 (Fri.) 8.00 pm – 10.00pm 嘛呢共修
29-11-2014 (Sat.) 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm 心靈講座(一)
7.00 pm – 8.00 pm 餗煙供
8.00 pm – 10.00 pm 供燈/心靈講座(二)
30-11-2014 (Sun.) 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm 慈悲放生/心靈講座(三)
8.00 pm – 10.00 pm 佛學開示/蓮師薈供/ 圓滿
Ground, Path and Fruition the common framework for vajrayana practitioner
Ratnashri Buddhist Centre ,Seri Kembangan , Kuala Lumpur.Malaysia
Tulku Palme Khyentse (Ying Chieh Huang, PhD)
Dates : 1-3 Dec 2014 8:00pm.
Priority is on Mandarin, but if there are audience who needs English , it will be provided.
第四屆世界佛教居士論壇主講人 4th World Buddhist Kulapati Forum (WBKF)
2014年12月5日至9日5th-9th December 201
Ratnashri Buddhist Centre Malaysia
主办单位 :马来西亚吉隆坡宝吉祥中心。
Seri Kembangan , Kuala Lumpur.
大手印,大圆满共有 基,道,果概论
尊贵 第三世巴麦钦哲仁波切(黄英杰佛学博士)主讲
基,道,果 的教法 为佛学主要的课程之一, 这次尊请仁波切以中文教导直贡噶举大手印 和大圆满法共有的修行的开端和结果,以让学员们犹如有一个地图,清楚的知道自己在那个阶段,和将来应当如何提升自己的修行不足。
1 Dec 2014 Mon 星期一 8pm -10pm
2 Dec 2014 Tue 星期二 8pm-10pm
3 Dec 2014 Wed 星期三 7.45pm – 10pm
“果”的内容 ,本尊灌顶
届时仁波切 将视学员情况决定于是否给予灌顶,时间可能是第二或第三天。
联系人 : 王 师兄 016-2175262
王 师姐 012 6379851
李 师兄 019-3375357
Event : Tulku Palme Khyentse (Ying Chieh Huang, PhD) Rinpoche
Teaching Tour at Ratnashri Kuala Lumpur
Dates : 1 Dec 2014 – 3 Dec 2014 8pm.
Venue : Ratnashri Kuala Lumpur , Seri Kembangan.
Teachings : Ground, Path and Fruition the common framework for vajrayana practitioner.
The teachings of Ground, Path and Fruition is particularly vital for any practitioners who are serious on the path. This is also refresher of one’s overall view within the practice tradition of Drikung Kagyu tradition, and to ensure one is not lost within the ocean of teachings.
Tulku Palme Khyentse Rinpoche is known as Huang Ying Chieh at his early days within the Buddhist circle. He is recognised by His Holiness Gyalwa Drikungpa Chetsang Rinpoche as the quality manifestation of the 2nd Palme Khyentse Rinpoche of Palme Gon. He was jointly recognised by His Holiness Sakya Trizin whom noticed his quality when they met the first time in Taiwan. He graduated from International Buddhist Academy later and received various Empowerments from both Holinesses.
Currently he is a assistant professor at Hua Fan University , Taiwan and is know for his humour and clarity in his teachings.
Contact person : Mooi Leng 012 – 6379851
Lee 019-3375357
Denis 016-2175262