想要學法卻沒錢? 沒時間? 沒足夠信心嗎?這都不是問題,國際佛學院的密集課程可以使你在短短時間內學完他處要好幾年才上的完的課,尼泊爾的便宜物價可以讓你學法無負擔,聖地波大佛塔的宗教氣氛可以令人信心倍增。總之,學院的一切都在進步中,歡迎大家!


Palme Khyentse – Taiwan

The IBA is improving all the time. If you don´t have time, this is the place to come because the intensive program here is like putting seven years of study into 3 months. Also, if you don´t have money you have to come because, it is not costly to stay at the IBA. It is comparatively much cheaper than getting these teachings in the West, which would also take years! And if you don´t have faith, then you must come to the IBA because there is a religious environment here, a living spiritual atmosphere that will help you really live like a Buddhist.
